We are two days from Thanksgiving. Somehow, I thought that by the time I was this age, life would be more settled, even-keeled, satisfying. And it's not. I am in a job that a year ago was terrific, but starting in January 2013 became a daily nightmare. It's been 11 months of water torture; bit by bit, day by day, the erosion of spirit and purpose in that office has become downright toxic. So, I'm home, trying to figure out how to be thankful for all the blessings in my life - and there are many - when all I can see is a job that has gone rapidly south, five years until retirement, a mountain of debt, and a 27 year old in my family room...
I know, oh how I know, it could be much worse....it HAS been much worse...there have been many episodes of unemployment, of not knowing how we'd scrape together the mortgage payment and keep the cars alive....I remember them vividly, which is good. Keeps one grounded and appreciative. But the thought of doing this for another five years or more is so exhausting and demoralizing, I'm not sure how I'll survive. But there are things/people for which I am deeply thankful, and I have to remember them:
1. Tim - 'nuff said.
2. Brian and Andrew - two of the three greatest gifts I've ever received.
3. Liz and Jean - the young woman who loves my son, and her mother, who is like my sister.
4. My siblings, siblings-in-law, and our nieces and nephews - I hit the jackpot on all counts - nothing inspires me more than watching our nieces/nephews create their lives, and seeing their friendships with one another.
5. Our great Nieces and great-Nephews (we're comin' up on #4 and #5) - cuteness personified! Carbon copies of their parents, who are phenomenal parents.

6. My "Bezzes" - they know who they are, don't ask me to explain the term. I think it's safe to say I would not have reached adulthood without them.

7. My Tiare Hills friends - therapy taking a walk. They are my lifeline, my walking buddies, sounding boards, and giggling companions. I don't know how other people exist without this kind of neighborhood.

8. My Santa Clara friends - Few people can say they have maintained the kind of quality and longstanding friendship that we enjoy....don't get to see each other often, but we just pick up where we left off. They alone are worth more than the tuition.
9. Holy Redeemer Parish - THIS is the kind of community that embodies the church. What wonderful, caring, warm, funny people they are - everyone is welcome, cherished, included. And the Notre Dame score updates before Mass are just another perk.

10. Home - not just our beautiful, comfy house, but its neighborhood, the region of WA/OR in the Northwest, with spectacular scenery in every direction - the glory of 5 mountain days, mauve sunrises and sunsets, ocean waves, winter storms, everything about this place is home.
THERE - I feel much better now. Reminds me of the quote, "If the only prayer you ever say is Thank You, that is enough". Or, from the letter of St. Paul to the Phillippians, "I thank my God when I think of you". And I do. Oh, how I do.
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