I should have written this two weeks ago when it was fresh, but it's been a crazy-busy summer. So I'm just now getting to it. So shoot me.
You may recall my post regarding a group of friends with whom I sang in high school....well, on July 14 we attended the wedding of the daughter of two of those folks. The wedding was at the home of, and catered by, the bride's uncle, who was another member of that group. It was the first time that virtually all 12 members of Young Folk (yeah, I know, lame name....) were together in....wait for it....34 years! To say that it was a fabulous weekend does not do it justice. The wedding was lovely - an incredible setting on a hilltop overlooking the San Ramon Valley on a beautiful sunny late afternoon, a gorgeous bride and handsome groom, and guests of all ages, from infants to 90+ year old grandparents.

So what's the big deal? Nothing much, if you are unimpressed by a group of friends who are so in tune (!) that they can pick up where they left off without missing a beat (I'm really NOT trying to use music-related puns, it's just working out that way). It was a reunion that stopped us all in our tracks, and made us realize how deep our friendships were/are, and how fleeting our lives. Most of us have lost at least one if not both of our parents; some unfortunate ones have lost a child. Many have had scary, life-threatening illnesses or accidents, and multiple folks have found themselves unemployed at one point or another. In other words, we've all had our share of bumps and bruises. But as soon as we were all in one spot, it was as though we'd never been apart. Some have aged better than others; they were soundly criticized! What had not changed was our humor, our memories of good times past, and our love of good music and each other. And all this did not end when the evening was over - it continued at breakfast the following morning, and at the "after party" in the afternoon, capped by a light dinner and drinks before we had to part ways.
The pictures were numerous and beautiful, for the most part....

Left to right, our "Leader", Marilyn; pianist, Fitz; vocalist, Vickie; rhythm guitar & vocals, Sharon; vocals, Rob (and 3rd of the 3 brothers); lead guitar, Jim, and drummer extraordinaire, John.
How sweet it was: What was left the next afternoon: back row, Paul, married to Vickie; Tim, Sharon's husband; Jim; front row, Sharon; Steve and Robin (parents of the bride), and Fitz.
I just love us!