Friday, March 23, 2012

I Believe in Music.....

Greetings to those who actually follow this, although I can't believe anyone actually does....if you remember the "stay tuned" which referred to voice issues....THERE IS A GOD, AND SHE IS GOOD! If ever there was an example of why one must be a committed advocate of one's own health care, it is I.  Had a return visit to Dr. Wonderful last week, after a therapy session that confounded the therapist as much as it did me.  Voice quality changing every couple of minutes, with no particular reason.  Thinking that perhaps a sinus CT was in fact indicated, Dr. W was kind enough to see me the following day.

As he threaded the Magic Camera once again, he decided to look upward, which wasn't done previously because my gag/choke/cough reflex got in the way.  This time it didn't, and I quote, "Well, lookie here....I do believe that's a Tornwaldt's Cyst!"  Excuse me, a Who? What? And therein lies the answer to the voice dilemma.  There is a marble-to-golf ball sized cyst at the back of my sinus cavity - no one knows how it got there, how long it's been there, or anything else. It's apparently fairly rare, but good ol' Dr. W knew it when he saw it!  It's coming out on April 16th, by which time it looks like the problem will be resolved, save a bit of healing from its removal.

Can I get an Hallelujah??????

1 comment:

  1. Good news that it will be all fixed up! (and some mandatory rest time to boot!)
